Talent Management
Talent Management is usually performed in conjunction with other services. As part of our consulting package, we can help find the right senior executives, or suggest an operating model to effectively attract the right talent.
Our people focus centers on the financial services community in a variety of disciplines including “C-Suite” personnel, senior operations talent, and sales:

Products & Services include:
SEC Advisors
Fund Administrators
Prime Brokers
Audit Firms
Compliance Firms
Other ways we can support your business
Operations & Finance Support
For Middle and Back Office functions throughout an entity’s lifecycle on a project-oriented basis.
Support Strategic Business Planning
Strategic Business Planning comes in many flavors; from a launch of a new business to the expansion into new markets or business lines.
Due Diligence
Convergence’s Due Diligence capabilities are applicable across a wide spectrum of disciplines.
Capital Development/Marketing & Branding
Convergence prepares firms by providing a roadmap to the proper investor types.